Sunday, June 15, 2014

Jung Typeology Results

I guess I am an INFJ: Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging.

              After a mature thinking about the matter, I can do nothing but agree on the results. I am definitely the kind of person who will not be the center of attention, while making my judgement based on how I feel. I am undoubtedly a humanitarian, and I have only my country to judge. France is known for being the country of human rights and I was told and raised that every person is born equal and even after thirty eight years globetrotting, I still will not change my views. One thing I am glad to hear is that I am the same type as one of my heroes and mentors growing up, that man being Nelson Mandela. I do not agree on what "careers" are suggested however; I used to be an art person, but it was my way to express myself and to distinguish myself as a strongly introverted teenager. As far as social work and education is concerned, I did try those but I found out that I lack patience when the people I try to guide are the exact opposite of me. I cannot bear people who will think they are right and be stubborn about it while they know that they are wrong, especially when proven wrong.
I have often been criticized for being an idealist. I do see the good in people and that if everyone do something towards the same goal, we can make this world a much better place. 
Just like two other INFJ, Martin Luther King Jr and Mother Teresa, I do think that peace is the greatest weapon and that thinking over acting and when acting is needed, it is maturely thought and measured and aimed towards the best solution.
As a writer, one can definitely tell the intuitive and the feeling aspects of me as I decided to free-write my first blog. I decided to free-write then out of pure feelings, because deep inside it felt right for me to express myself through this interesting process which I have never exercised before. While I do not express myself in a crowd, mostly out of fear, the wheels in my head constantly turn, trying to better everything I can. 
My ancestor was known for being one of the biggest creative thinkers of the modern world and the founder of modern mathematics, and just like Blaise Pascal, ideas stay in my head until it is time to put the thoughts on paper, with mature and logical thought process perfectly executed into it. 

This week has been a tumultuous one, and the next two weeks are planned to be a thrill. Hopefully they will end the right way, or at least better than this week.

To be continued...


  1. Interesting - I have met few INFJs. Usually, if J shows up it's paired with the T. I am struggling to see how you are conecting the indicators as defined rather than as assumed. How does Judging play in - you use the word, but it seems out of context, so I am assuming you did not get this far? How are you perceiving the world rather than experiencing it. For example, you share that you are not one to share in the crowd, but that is not an example of an introvert - your thinking process is a good example. Begin to look at words in new ways. ~Ms. A.

    1. My thinking process as an introvert is that I type so I do not have to think or express it with speaking. I have so much in my head that I used freewriting online as a great way to socialize and voice my opinion because I cannot express it in groups, if that makes sense somehow. I have experienced a bit about this world through traveling, which has come to an abrupt stop ever since I moved to Missouri, and I will admit that it is through traveling that I gained most of my writing experience with the reads that I had in the countries I visited and lived in. These past few weeks have been to me like a head on collision at a fast speed as so many information about me, not only as a writer, but also as a human being, and the perception of "me" that I and many people had of me completely changed. For example, my Phi Theta kappa advisor Donna Graham never knew that I was very introvert and shy until this week and I surprised myself doing activities that scared me for over thirty years that I was too afraid to do, fighting inner demons and fears .
