Sunday, June 22, 2014

7-I believe I am a better parent than my son's mother ....The freewritten rant

Ten minutes to talk about a thing i have been fighting for over five years...let's do it!
So I do believe the legal system has lot to change. There is a major difference between a father and a daddy. I am a daddy. I am the kind of guy whose kid gets pissed off about because he gets hugged and kissed too much , but is happy because he knows every cook play place and where the best ice cream is. I am so mad that the legal system only sees me as a man who is an immigrant, therefore a threat that he could kidnap his son to this terrible place that is Paris France so he can get to see his family, the real one, not the fake, two faced pseudo christian one. If only he could see and meet my side, his uncles aunts cousins and that language that freaked him out when he heard it while trying to pull a terrible twos stunt on me. He tried to be a grumpy bug and that one day I stared at him while telling him to stop being a brat in french. he gave me the saddest puppy eyes ever asking me "what did you say, daddy?" and his terrible twos were over. that was the experience I get to remember because, well thanks to a legal system badly flawed, a daddy has not seen his son since he was 3. He is 7. That system that allows a woman who has the maturity of a 10 year old to be in charge of a child, letting her get her way into not letting her child be with his daddy he loves so much becasue he was 7 minnutes late giving his son back because he was trick or treating. "you are late and you will never see your son again" was the last thing Ryan has heard while seeing both his parents in front of him. It has been an all out battle that cost me my job, my home and my health, but I am still fighting. Not because I am a better parent than she is. Because I love my son and he needs me. I talked to many lawyers and the only thing that came to their mouth is that I cannot afford them. LAWYERS WHO CLAIM THEY ARE WORKING TOWARDS HUMAN RIGHTS!!! I am sorry, that just ticks me off to see that people who claim to want to help for a better future cannot see further than a bank account. Just like Ryan's mom and her wanting to be the star of the whole thing, neglecting that one soul who is my reason for breathing. Ten minutes. The fight goes on.


  1. I am sorry to hear that you are in this sad situation. I hope that you continue to fight for what you believe in and never give up loving your son. I know that there are always two sides of the story and I know only yours. But regardless of mistakes or not, I believe in second chances and think that there are few instances when a loving, caring parent should have their child taken from them. I'm sure it is difficult to not harbor angry toward your child's mother but I would advise to let this battle be about and for him. Remove the focus from her because it will only cause you further anguish. These things can get so nasty. Fight for your parental right to have/see your son. Even if you are unsuccessful at least he will (hopefully) see the effort that you have put into it...
    Are there no public defenders willing to take your case pro-bono or at a decreased rate? It is sad to see that even in this day and age the fathers do still fight significantly harder for parental rights.

    BTW- I think it's awesome that you are French. I visited Corsica many times when I lived in Italy- absolutely beautiful.

    Best wishes,

    1. There is nothing that will ever keep me from my goal of having my son with me. I went to a retreat this week with a Tibetan monk that was an eye opener about how I should go on with my life but I will never give up my fight :)
